Monday, January 24, 2011

Fighting For Space

After FINALLY getting new Eames DAR chair today (it was in fact a birthday present from my parents, it has just taken me a LONG time to decide on color!) it turns out that I will by the looks of it have to fight my little munchkin to actually get to sit in it. Nahla (who in fairness have her very own Kartell Lou Lou chair!) took a shine to Mummy's new chair and would not get off it at all- in fact, I think she would have slept there had I let her. But in the end, it took a nice warm bottle of milk to trick her off the chair and into bed. And now Mummy can sit on her brand new chair while she blogs! BLISS! PS: LOVING Nahla's new leopard print PJ's! That girl is all about style!

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