Thursday, September 16, 2010

Mila's Daydreams

How amazingly cute are these pictures?? Seriously, maybe it is because it's been quite the emotional day, but I almost cried looking at these! Note: I cry at a variety of stuff on a fairly regular basis. Extreme Makeover Home Edition? Guilty as charged. Sob stories on Oprah? Yup. People saying good-bye in airports? So embarrassing, but true. Old people who are still in love? Tears Galore. Sad movies? Disaster. I watched My Sister's Keeper in the cinema when I was pregnant- needless to say people probably thought my labor had started I was sobbing that loudly. Anyway, I digressed a tad. Adele Enersten, the writer of this blog, Mila's Daydreams, is taking these oh-so-cute shots of her baby daughter while she is sleeping, stating: "This is my maternity leave hobby. While my baby is taking her nap, I try to imagine her dream and capture it." Such a cute and original idea, imagine these for the baby's scrapbook!

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