Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Watch This, Baby In The Mirror!

This is so much fun I just had to share the pictures! In our rather large bathroom, Nahla LOVES to crawl around and do what babies do- (well, mine anyway!), pull make-up and lotions and potions out of the bottom shelf in my locker, throw her bath toys around, check to see if the washing machine is on, sit and watch it if it is, and, more than anything, pull all her pajamas and socks and tights out from the bottom drawer and throw them all around the floor.

Today, as she was getting started on her new favourite hobby, she discovered- to her delight- that inside the mirror beside her, there was another baby DOING EXACTLY THE SAME THING! This she could not get over, and proceeded to keep pulling out everything, so so she could show "the other baby" how it is done.

Then she had a long conversation with her mirror look-alike, going something like this: "gla-gla-dladla-bla!" One can only speculate what she said, but maybe some sort of explanation for her behavior.

"You see, Mirror Baby, you got to get the drawer all the way out, then just grab the stuff! If it seems stuck, just pull harder, you'll get it, just wait and see!"

"Then, just to make sure they are clean, have a little taste as I like to do, then; Throw!" Or, you know, something like that! Anyway, oh-so-cute! The novelty of the cuteness has not yet worn off- but maybe when I have cleaned up this mess 2000 times, I might do! For now though, fun days with princess!


  1. baby nahla loves make a mess!!!and she is only crawling wait went she started to walk, its so sweet, she is going to be a very fashionista little girl with a great sense of humor

  2. tell me about it- and now that she can stand up, her making-a-mess skills are getting better by the day! :)



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