Thursday, October 7, 2010

Those Blissful Moments..

... when Nahla is completely absorbed by her toys and happily playing on the floor by herself, is when I get stuff done. Literally, that is when I clean, make phone-calls, cook, do laundry, fold laundry, put away laundry, shower, put make-up on, vacuum, pay bills, you get the picture, EVERYTHING. So you get a feeling of just how important these moments are. And I know from conversations with fellow mums that this is a universal feeling. Even if it is about putting what needs to be done aside for a second and just sit down with a cup of tea (or a latte from a much loved Nespresso machine in my case!), these precious little moments are a Godsend.

I remember when Nahla was newborn, when there was no playing by herself moments, and all about being attached to mummy THE WHOLE TIME. Looking back I allow myself to remember that although it was an amazingly special time, being your baby's whole world, it was also exhausting. That feeling of not having even a moment to have a shower when you felt like it, like the house was a complete mess and there was nothing you could do about it because you could not get away. I remember the day when all of a sudden Nahla seemed happy enough to play on her little playmat for a few moments. All of a sudden our days flowed that little bit easier. I knew that when she was happy, clean and just fed, she'd be happy to play for a while, and so we could work some routines into our lives again. Which to a control freak like me was pure heaven.

And then at 6,5-7 months, when she learned how to sit, playtime became even longer and more fun and, by the looks of it, Nahla's absolute favorite time. Which again has given me snatched moments to get stuff done. And sometimes I do, I run around making sure everything that needs to be done, gets done. And other times I forget about everything and just join my princess in her playtime- and realize that this is my favorite favorite time too! Lucky, lucky me!

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