Saturday, October 2, 2010

Reflections of Motherhood

Ever since I saw this video posted by a fellow yummy mummy, I have not been able to stop watching it. So many truths, so many wise words, so much love.

Becoming a mother is like taking a leap into the unknown. Like flying among stars. And sometimes, like banging your head against a wall. Like falling in love, more than ever. Like seeing the world again for the first time. Like having yourself forever more take the backseat in your own life. Like being as close to God as possible when still on earth. Like trying and failing and learning over and over again. Like finally getting to know and understand your own mum. Like answering the big questions and finding you have a million new ones. An adventure, a journey and a new road to take. Here's to all mums everywhere, for making the world a better place!

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