Friday, October 1, 2010

Personal Gallery? Like!

I was recently marveling at the amount of photographs I have stored on my laptop of Nahla. Seriously, there must be thousands. I think I have pictures of my little munchkin from every day of her life- and then some. And then there are all the sweet new baby cards we have gotten, little notes, pictures other people have taken of her, the ones I had taken at the photographers- and as you can see, it all adds up to A LOT OF PICTURES. And I have been wondering what to do with some of them, like how we can display them in a cute way in our home- without having just random pictures in random frames scattered all over- which is NOT a style I am a fan of. Anyway, I happened to be browsing one of my favorites interior blogs last night and spotted this genius hallway gallery wall. So clever! Displaying pictures, cards and notes in the same type of frame- and voila: A lovely at-home gallery which seamlessly decorates without everything fighting for attention and looking cluttered and messy- which I cannot stand. Now, IKEA, here I come!

(Photo Credit from here)

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