Monday, October 4, 2010

A Little Treat...

Today Nahla and Mummy both indulged in a new pair of shoes. I know, I know, it was Mummy's card that picked up the bill for both indulgences and Nahla could not care either way. but I just HAD to. I mean, look at these adorable little boots from H&M! They are still too big- and sure she is not even close to walking yet, but come March/April, and they will look AMAZINGLY CUTE on my little pumpkin! And as for my little treat from Shoe Lounge, I seriously NEEDED shoes. I am not kidding, I did, and something with a heel. And these fit the bill perfectly, high and sexy, but with a wedge heel, so can easily both walk steadily and push Nahla's pram- which is my two shoe requirements these days!


  1. both shoes looks very cute and comfy and definily the black looks high and sexy hahaha...mommy and nahla make the perect fashion duo =)

  2. haha, we try! :) although, my fear is she'll get older and HATE shopping! imagine!?! ;)



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