Wednesday, August 15, 2012

This Is SO Me...

... or it most certainly was this morning, anyway, when I had instructed myself to get up before 7 AM, as I have about a million deadlines looming before our Greek getaway next week. But then BF and I had a little movie-date last night to see Ted (so freakin' funny!), then I got stuck into an old episode of KUWTK on E! Then I just "had to" reply to some e-mails. And so on and so forth. And before I knew it, it was after 2 AM. You might think this sounds late - but I am terribly for never getting to bed - and so last night really was just like any other night. Apart from the fact that I this morning felt as if I would donate my entire wardrobe to charity if somebody would just let me sleep for 15 minutes longer! Note to self: Must. Learn. To. Go. To. Bed. 

Although, I have discovered, there is a name for my problem: FOMO. Fear Of Missing Out. (Thank you Scott Disick!). See; you learn something from those Kardashians after all!


  1. Too funny! I love it Trine and me to the ground too. Miss you lots! KC



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