Friday, February 4, 2011

Top 10 Mummy Apps

Ok, I am aware that my ravings about the awesomeness of the iPhone 4 is pretty much non-stop lately, but seriously; how did I ever live without one?! It is like carrying your entire world around with you- in one little gadget. Genius. I have apps downloaded for anything from yoga (perfect for when traveling and staying in a hotel room with no gym access!), Jamie Oliver's recipes (so so perfect, like having a cookbook in your pocket!) and now, of late, a whole bunch of "keep-Nahla-entertained" apps that I have become weirdly dependent on.

1. Scribble (FREE) —Lets kids (or parents) draw with their finger right on the screen and then shake to erase, like an etch-a-
sketch. Total lifesaver when dealing with a bored-on-the-subway baby!

2. Bubbles (FREE) — Make and play with bubbles. Perfect for distracting toddlers. I have downloaded it already, just knowing that
we will use. A lot.

3. Food Additives ($3.99) Let's you find information about 450+ food additives that
might be unsafe to you or your baby's health.
ranked by risk factor. Needless to say; LOVE.

4. Talking Tom (FREE) Amazingly fun interactive cat that repeats what you say and
growls if you push him. Nahla is equally amazed and freaked out.

5. Baby Log ($4.99) Probably more suited for brand new mums, but still; so so cool.
Records diaper changes, feeds, naps, baths and can be exported into an Exel spreadsheet (yes, really!) for those hardcore
Alpha mums!

6. Joy Berry's I Love Potty Training for Boys and Girls. The name says it all really,
except words cannot do its coolness justice. From tips and advice to tracking tools, games and ebooks, this app has
everything you need for successful potty training. It even e-mails you a diploma when the training is complete!

7. And if you can't get enough during the day, the Baby Sleep Care monitors your
baby at night. Why did I not buy an iPhone the minute Nahla was born?!

8. Polarize (FREE) is an amazing camera app that enables you to turn your existing
photos into Polaroid-style snaps and boost the color of your images too. Perfect for snapping your little hopefuls!

9. Sketches is like a virtual corkboard where you can drop sticky-notes, pictures,
text, info etc. into. Perfect for making mood-boards or juts keeping al your little must-remember-this type notes in one

10. The Baby Translator helps translate baby-talk into english. Not entirely sure it
gets it right, but it sure is fun!

So there you go, all my fellow yummy mummies, go shop at the App store this weekend and give the other shops a bit of a rest, no?!

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