Thursday, October 7, 2010

Sunny October Days..

Happy bunny in her 'Boo!

.. are best spent out and about. Today Nahla and Mummy walked through Grünerløkka (sweet bohemian lively area of Oslo), where we enjoyed the sunshine in Birkelunden Park..

... soy latte and a cinnamon bun at Steam- seriously, are we their best customers?!

Nahla had one of her Ella's Kitchen's favorites, pumpkin, blueberry, apple and sweet potato purée..

..soaked up the sunshine in beautiful Oslo...

... and just because we felt like spending longer outside instead of cooking inside; we picked up yummy Thai food from an old favorite, Rice Bowl, before we headed home! Nothing but nothing beats sweet chili and basil chicken on an autumn night! (And Nahla LOVED rice mashed with some sauce and vegetables- my little culinary advanced cookie!)


  1. olso looks so beautiful and paceful and the park looks lovely...grat place =)

  2. it really is a beautiful city- and perfect for children too, lots of parks and play areas, and pretty safe too! :)



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