Friday, October 1, 2010

October Bliss

Tomorrow, as it is Saturday and according the the weather rapports the sun will be trying to make us think it is August and not October, I plan to indulge in the ultimate of Oslo Weekend Blissed Out days.

Meaning I will be taking Nahla for a long walk through Frognerparken, stopping to look at the children at the playground off course.

Then I will pick up a frothy latte at Steam, the best in town I think.

I will browse some of my favorite fashion haunts for some hot shoe boots I have decided I need ASAP, as well as pick up s few more things for my autumn/winter 2011 look.

As I always always love fresh flowers on my table for the weekend, I will treat myself to a vast bouquet from Finn Schöll, florist to the stars.

And later on I will meet a friend for a pizza at Villa Paradiso, again so so worth a visit if you like me enjoy proper Italian pizzas- oh and a glass of Cava too! Saturday sunshine, bring it on!

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