Oh, how my mummy heart- that different heart you grow when you become a mum- hurts today. When we woke up this morning I thought Nahla's little head felt a bit warm to the touch. So when I got her washed and ready for the day, I had the good sense to take her temperature as well- 38,1 C. Her first fever! Recorded one anyway. Needless to say panic set in. I hastily checked her entire little body for any red bumps. None. Rash? Nope. Ran my finger across her gum; teeth? None as of yet. THEN WHAT IS WRONG WITH MY CHILD??? Woke up my mum- as you do for second opinions. And she concluded with much the same as myself; no apparent reasons for this fever, although she was a lot more calm about the sudden state of affairs than myself. And to make matters worse; today of all days was the day when I had made a hairdressers appointment for myself- knowing that my mum was more than eager to mind my little munchkin. But to leave my sick child? I didn't know if my heart could take it. My mum, however, having coped with feverish babies before, showed me out the door and told me to relax, she'd ring if anything was up and the hairdressers was literally five minutes away.
So off I went. And apart from checking my phone every five minutes and texting my mum till she told me to chill out and leave them alone, I enjoyed it. There is something about just sinking into a hairdressers chair and loosing yourself in a stack of magazines that is rather soothing to the soul. And two hours later I emerged if not a new woman, than at least an improved version of myself.
And when I got home everything was well. Nahla had both eaten and slept, and although still a bit warm, seemed in normal form. She had pooped out three nappies though, so my mum has a sneaking suspicion this debacle is either a tooth on its merry way, ot just some sort of stomach bug. After a consultation with Best Friend and pediatric nurse Ingrid, other good friend and pediatric doctor, Eirin, and my auntie, who is a GP, I made my mum run out for some baby paracetamol- just in case. I have heard being a mum is all about being prepared!
Nahla has been pretty much attached to my boob all afternoon, falling asleep for a bit, than waking up and wanting the yummy comfort of mummy's boobies yet again. And that is perfectly ok, This is a day when all that matters is that my little princess feels better!
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