EXHIBIT A: Blackberry stuffed into the bath-toy holder. Is it any wonder it died?!
EXHIBIT B: Wind-up Dinosaur that on several attempts have nearly killed me as I keep tripping over the **%! thing in an attempt to not step on on and cut my foot - which has also happened on a few occasions.
EXHIBIT C: Photo framed that eventually broke after having been ripped down from its "I-thought-it-was-safe" position on the bookshelf FIVE THOUSAND TIMES.
EXHIBIT D: Lotions and potions scattered across the bathroom floor - four hundred times a day. No point in even attempting to tidy up until after 8 PM.
EXHIBIT E: Mummy's new little purse - found in N's potty after a frantic search operation...

EXHIBIT F: "Hm... I wonder, DID I leave something in here lately...?" Uh, yes, Nahla, only Mummy's Tom Ford sunglasses!!!
And so motherhood goes....!
that is hilarious! so much fun with babies around!