Why is it that instead of looking stressed out, covered in sticky baby food and plus a few pounds/minus some sleep- like all new mums do, new dads look exactly the opposite. Glowing, alpha-male-like and just in general damn sexy when they tote their new offspring around. Actually, I take back the "why", as I guess the answer is down to us mummies having to deal with not only the after-effects of pregnancy, but also (most of) the sleepless nights, a lot of the feeding frenzy and probably the brunt of the general worrying/stressing/organizing that having a baby brings. Now, don't get me wrong, I LOVE doing all this stuff, and as previously mentioned, cannot really complain about sleepless night, as Nahla has slept through pretty much since day one. I think maybe it is just that old mystery of how,as a woman, pushing a pram or toting a toddler tends to make you less hot in a man's eyes, the only people approaching you is other mummies or old grannies. While when a man carries a car-seat or totes a little bundle around in his Babybjörn, women flock at his feet?! Seriously, this is tried and tested. When we were in Paris a couple of months back, no men came running over when I was pushing Nahla around or proudly displaying her in my lap- in all her cuteness- in every Starbucks around the city. But when BF walked down the Champs Elysées with her dangling from his chest, he could have had half the women on that street. A tad unfair I would argue. But that is still not enough for me to avoid enjoying all those yummy dads out there, like these guys. Seriously, there IS something knee weakening about men with babies. Like it or not!
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