I am a total sucker for new trends. Seriously, have an OCD-like need to keep up to date with what's hot and what's not. And if there is one trend that recently have totally fallen in the "LOVE!" category, it is the concept of Push Presents! Push Present you ask? Allow me to inform you. Push Presents are gifts that a husband gives it his wife after she delivers their child. Lavish gifts at that. Genius? I know! Totally a trend I can get on board with!
The idea apparently originated in India and Italy but has now spread like wildfire. The most popular gift by far- needless to say- is jewelry, but handbags and clothing are both up there too. A survey of over 30,000 respondents by BabyCenter.com found that 38% of new mothers now received a push present, and 55% of pregnant mothers wanted one. Too right they do! 9 months of weight gain and heart burn, why wouldn't you want a present at the end of it? Now, I know, I know, your baby is truly the greatest present ever. Nothing will ever come close, trust me. But that does not mean a little Tiffany's would go amiss either! I mean; you did give BIRTH. It IS a big deal! That be said, 40% of the pregnant women and the new moms stated that the baby was a gift enough and did not want anything else. We can dig that too. Me? I think both baby and bling sounds pretty good!
So there you go, lads. No longer will a bouquet of flowers cut it. Balloons? Teddy bears? Maybe as a compliment to the blue box you will also need to be carrying! A couple of years ago, jewelry stores started marketing push presents. Spotted those adorable Tiffany ads yet?? Diamond necklaces and rings with the babies' birthstone on it. Charms for the new mummy to carry around her neck or wrist. Perfect perfect stuff. And in true form, celebrities have jumped on the trend-wagon. According to US Weekly, Marc Anthony bought Jennifer Lopez a $300,000 eight-carat diamond ring to celebrate her giving birth to their twins. Again; "LIKE". Tori Spelling received a $1600 Balenciaga Arena Bag from her husband Dean McDermott after giving birth to her son Liam. Balenciaga for Birth? A match made in yummy mummy heaven!
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