Confession: I have for some time now lusted after the very stylish- and equally expensive- Bloom Fresco High Chair. I mean; just look at it! I just know in my heart that it would look AMAZING at my (future) dining table- or kitchen table- or wherever for that matter. I can almost visualize it next to a breakfast bar, perfect perfect for contemporary living! And after seeing it "live" today at a friend's house, needless to say; I want it even more! Now, the question that remains is just how to either 1. Tell a tiny little white lie to BF regarding the price, like say it was last year's model or something and therefor 50% off. Or 2. Convince him it is the greatest investment ever, explain how Nahla can sit in it till she is like at least 3 years old and how it will totally suit any type of furniture we have. Who am I kidding?! Even as I read this I realize that it is number 1 all the way, I mean; I am a firm believer that little white lies are the glue that holds all good relationships together- at least in regards to financial issues- like shoes, or (Frette) bedlinen or, in this case, baby equipment! And voilá; Bloom Fresco High Chair, please be mine!
(Photo Credit from here)
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