The day started early chez Mummy and Nahla this morning. 7.10 A.M to be exact. Having woken up in the middle of the night last night, and needing some mummy-cuddles, Nahla woke up in my bed this morning- and boy did she love that! She laughed and smiled and goo-goo'd and ga-ga'd all she was worth- and Mummy must admit it was the perfect perfect morning!
And then- after our elaborate morning-getting-ready-for-the-day routine, we headed off for my little munchkin's 6-month check-up at the health centre! 6 month check-up! It feels like yesterday we were through those very door for our 6-WEEK check-up! Anyway, the super-nice lady doctor declared my little princess to be of perfect health- and "very active and alert indeed", as Nahla rolled around on the floor and laughed and played with the assortment of toys. So to celebrate this yet another little milestone, Mummy and Baby went for a long walk in the beautiful sunshine, had some frozen yoghurt and even squeezed in a spot of retail therapy in Zara. Oh- and Mummy even treated herself to some new AMAZING make-up- more of which later! All in all a lovely day!
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