Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Go-To Dinner Favorite

I am sure most busy mums have one of these, a go-to dinner that you always have the ingredients for in the house and that you can throw together with your eyes closed and half your brain switched off. Yup. Me too. Mine is oven baked salmon and vegetables. Quick. Easy. Healthy. Uncomplicated. What is not to LOVE? Seriously; so easy. Frozen fillet of salmon, olive oil, pepper and lemon juice. Oven. Done. And the best part is that the same goes for the veggies. And here I just use whatever I have handy. Which today was carrots, sweet potatoes, red onion, garlic and leek. Same goes: Olive oil, pepper and lemon juice. Oh, and just because I had it handy; a splash of balsamic vinegar. And as I had some broccoli lurking around, sure I just steamed some of that too. YUM.

Luckily; Nahla loves this dish as much as Mummy does - which is just as well as we tend to have this at least a couple of times a week! I think my domestic goddess medal badge might still be a way off, but sure we don't mind. I could think of worse things than salmon and veggies to be serving up this frequently!

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