Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Brangelinas Airport Babes

I know I have raved about how easy traveling with Nahla is. How rarely, if not ever, I have felt like it was exhausting in any way, rather I have sniggered when I have read about or heard how other people moan about having to travel with kids and how horrible/noisy/inconvenient it can be. Seriously, it has been - and is - a breeze.

So those of you complaining about having to holiday with your one, two or even, gasp, three kids; spare a though for the Jolie-Pitts, who travel the globe with no less than six tots in tow. All under the age of ten. Kudos.

Here the happy family were snapped jetting in to Japan earlier this week - and I know they probably have a nanny or two on their team, but still; refreshed, relaxed and happy. Cute!

(Photo Credit from here)

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