Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Happy Birthday To ME!

Another year older, a little wiser! In the midst of traveling from Dublin to Oslo today, to catch a flight to Bergen in the morning for the Christening of my new Goddaughter, Lilly, and then on to Palma on Saturday, this busy Mummy celebrated yet another birthday. Still can't quite believe Paris and my birthday trip last year is a full year ago!

And as for the being a year older bit? I think getting older is a privilege. Imagine those who aren't lucky enough to get more birthdays to celebrate - and then dare complain about adding another year to your age. Getting older means (hopefully) being more the person you were always meant to become. More confident. More patient. More caring. More aware of what really matters.

That doesn't mean my bathroom cabinet isn't stuffed with the most expensive skincare money can buy. It is. And that I don't obsessively read every article called things like "Eat your skin younger" and "Loose 10 years in 10 days." Because I do. It will always matter to look as good as I can - but as for disliking getting older; no way! LOVE IT! Sure the alternative is a lot worse! Good night, cupcakes! xx