Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Running Before You Can Walk

I don't think I ever understood this saying before becoming a mum. And now it pretty much sums up my entire existence. Kind of. You see, motherhood, and would assume especially when it is your first baby, is one freakin' steep learning curve. Big time. And it is not as if it ever stops, or even slows down enough for you to catch your breath. No. No way. It is go-go-go, sometimes so fast you have no idea how your baby, who the last time you came up for air barely managed to scoot herself around on her hands and knees is now running around - faster than you can manage to keep up with. How it all of a sudden is almost summer again, and while you this time last year had a baby, this year you have your hands full with a toddler - which is a completely different ball game all together. Sometimes I even wonder how it got from Monday to Thursday without me noticing too - that's the whirlwind our lives are at the moment.

Every day is marked by a new milestone. A new word. A new skill. A new expression. A new challenge. Amazing to watch your baby grow, in the blink of an eye, so fast, so quick. And trying to keep up. One minute you exhale, having FINALLY got the hang of mashing and pureeing, then before you know it, lumps are on the menu. I find myself thinking I MUST pack away all those 1-year sized clothes, and before I know it, it is almost time to pack away the 1 1/2 year clothes too. The baby book is a source of constant angst - on my part. There just never seems to be time to update it! To write all about my little princess' milestones and magical new discoveries. So instead it is stuffed full of post-it notes, napkins, old magazine covers, anywhere I could manages to write stuff down on when they happened, stuff I don't want to forget, stuff that matters. And it's all happening so very fast!

I think this is what motherhood is, like a really fast game, and just when you think you have it covered, you are knocked sideways as a whole new set of issues/developments/milestones present themselves. And you need to catch up fast. It is breathtaking and leaves me in awe. It makes me strive to be the best mother I can be and keeps me busy and entertained and fulfilled and in love! Yeah, motherhood makes you wish days had more hours - but for those precious hours; oh how they are filled with the most fun and love you have ever known!

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