Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A Mummy's Worst Nightmare..

... surely must be having your little bundle rushed to hospital! But luckily it all had a happy ending for Kourtney K, Scott and their little Mason munchkin! The adorable tot was rushed to hospital over the weekend, but Mommy Kourt took to her blog to tell everyone that all is well that ends well, and little Mason is safe and sound.

"Friday night Mason ate some peanut butter and had a little allergic reaction to it. He threw up within minutes of tasting it and got hives on his face. I called 911 and the fire department came immediately. They suggested that we take him to the hospital, so we did. He was in good spirits the whole time and didn’t even know anything was wrong. He even enjoyed riding in the ambulance. He’s such a good boy!"

(Photo Credit from here)

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