Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Alive, If Not So Well

SO very sorry about the recent lack of blog posts. Not only was Sunday a looong day (did I mention the 3.45 A.M. start?!), but since arrival in Ireland, princess and Mummy have been feeling a little under the weather. Which last night turned to a lot under the weather when the two of us was up all night getting sick.

Poor BF/Worried Daddy was run off his feet getting tissues, changing bedlinens, changing princess' PJ's (a total of 3 times!), getting apple juice (the only thing we could keep down- sorry about the over-sharing!) and in general just keeping us sane in the midst of all this drama. And much as I HATE being sick myself, having to witness my precious little heart being ill was far worse. My Mummy-Heart ached! And so after having first got sick all over her own bed twice, little Nahla was swiftly moved into our bed- where she got sick again (mostly on me) and then eventually (thank God) fell asleep across Mummy's belly.

So as you can gather, it has been a yucky couple of days. And it is only tonight, after yet another day spent mostly in PJ's on the sofa, that things are starting to look up. Fever gone. Food intake: Better (how nice is toast when you haven't eaten in two days?!). Food coming back out again: None as of yet. So all in all, a clear improvement in both mummy and baby's conditions. Hopefully by tomorrow things are looking even better, as we are more than ready for some Starbucks, Christmas shopping, playdates and other fun and fabulous things! And sure if not, then it will be another day on the sofa for Mummy and Nahla- and in all honesty, there are far worse ways to spend a day if you ask me!

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