Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Mummy Skin Must-Have!

Having worked on A LOT of photo shoots, both fashion and bridal, in the line of work, I must admit I always used to try and soak up as many beauty tips from make-up artists as possible- I mean, the are GENIUSES, you'd be a fool not to lend an ear to their words of wisdom- and, most importantly, experience. A lot of the stuff I snapped up in conversation I tend to forget about- especially on hectic mornings when my beauty routine is as sped up as possible in order for the logistics to even have a shot at going to plan. But one tip, more so than others, have forever made its way into my morning habits and make-up bag. MAC Stobe Cream, the single most amazing product ever created. If you have not yet tried this little magic potion, you have seriously missed out! This is youth in a tube!

Trust the experts, this is one of those staple products that makeup artists always keeps in their kit, and is essential backstage at fashion shows season after season. The cream is an instant pick-me-up, and contains green tea and tons of vitamins to moisten, freshen and revitalize tired, dull, and flat skin. Sounds familiar, oh-sleep-deprived mums?! Yup, I hear you, me too!
You can use it over, under, or mixed into your foundation (one part strobe cream, three parts foundation) for a gorgeous glow. I, who cannot stand foundation and only ever use tinted moisturizer (by Laura Mercier if you're wondering), tend to blend a drop of moisturizer with a drop of MAC Strobe Cream, and voila; dewy glow'y flawless skin! The beauty of Strobe Cream is that, unlike A LOT of highlighters and other same category skin enhancers, it gives a rather subtle glow and isn’t overly shimmery as opposed to some of the other creams out there, that leaves you looking like a disco ball- which is NOT A GOOD LOOK.

I know I have raved about Clarins Beauty Flash Balm here before, and although it also gives your complexion that lift, it works in a different and not so instantly glow'y way. I still use Beauty Flash Balm (just gently dab it all over my face, over make-up) on days when I feel like I need a little extra to even dare venture out my front door. But Strobe Cream is a daily addiction, ensuring I can stay more yummy than slummy every day- no matter what time princess decided to get up at! Now GO GET IT!

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