Saturday, October 23, 2010

More New Flavours

It's so hard to believe that come Tuesday, my little munchkin will be 10 months old!! How did this happen? How did this first year slip in, days flying by in a blur of baby and bottles and boobs and a lot of travel?! So much has happened, so many skills, so much development, so so much love.

It's almost hard to keep up with babies this age, as everyday seem to offer something new. Today it was lunch. Because for the very first time we bought- and ate- a dish labeled "From 10 months". Long gone are the days of just plain porridge. Or pureed banana. Today my little munchkin had organic aubergine and sweet red pepper provencal from yummy Plum Organics. And it went down a treat, let me tell you. Clearly Nahla was ready to embrace some new flavors, because she finished every little bit. And made Mummy proud!

I love the selection of baby food available here in Ireland, so much better than Norway. I love that even when I resort to buying her dinner, I can make sure she is eating only organic- a matter very close to my health-conscious heart!

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