Sunday, October 24, 2010


It's a FREEZING morning here in Naas. Frost is covering the ground around the little lake out the front, the poor swans look a tad put out by the obviously cold conditions and inside the house we have the fire lit, a long lazy breakfast currently ongoing, the Sunday papers (brave brave me who faced the cold to go get them- Sunday isn't Sunday without the Sunday Times Style section!) spread out across the table and are all still in our toasty flannel pajamas. Bliss.

Nahla is happily playing on the floor with her cousin, who is 9; and seems to be loving that big girl K is playing with her toys with her. Nahla only has two girl cousins in Ireland, amidst lots of boy cousins, and I just know she is going to grow up and just adore and look up to K and older sister L, who is 12. The two girls stayed over with us last night, and I think I enjoyed a night in with popcorn and The X-Factor just as much as they did. Family is what it is all about!

And as we are soon getting ready to wrap up warm and head out for a crisp Sunday morning walk, I wish you all a happy cozy and family oriented Sunday!

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