Sunday, May 9, 2010

Sunday, Oh Sunday..

As everyone with babies know, Sunday mornings are not what they once were. Gone are the long leisurely mornings in bed, most likely nursing a hangover from some fab night out on the town, only getting up just in time to grab brunch somewhere while pouring over the Sunday papers, well; the Style supplements anyway. Nope, those days are (temporarily anyway) gone. Now that Nahla has started going to bed that bit earlier, it also means that she is awake bright and early- really really awake. Which means when I look over at her in her bed, all bouncy and happy and rearing to start her day, I can't help but just smile and get up with her. And I'm not going to lie. Some mornings I am really tired, you know in that really exhausted way, when your whole body seems to ache with tiredness? And I have to really pull myself together and remind myself to enjoy these early mornings with her rather than moan and complain. And so I do.
I have started to realize as well that being up before the rest of the world (apart from my fellow yummies off course!) also has its advantages. Like I get to experiment with all sorts of fancy breakfasts, carrot bread with pumpkin seeds anyone? I can get my daily yoga poses out of the way and not have to stress about getting them done later when our day gets more hectic and chores have to be done. So these days you will often find princess and I on her pink playmat; and while Mummy does her daily quota of Sun Salutations and Downward Dogs, Nahla chews on Sophie the Giraffe or kicks her feet in the air, loving the playmat company!

This Sunday however, is pretty relaxed, because we are in Bestemor and Bestefar's house, and so when Nahla decided to get up at 6.57 AM, Mummy just handed her over to some very eager grandparents, and went back to bed for a blissful couple of hours- something I have to take advantage of whenever the opportunity rolls around, because they seem to be few and far between. But now, all rested and fresh as a daisy, I have my little early morning munchkin ready in her Baby Björn, and we are heading out for a walk in the yummy spring sunshine! Have a blissful Sunday!

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