Saturday, May 8, 2010


... is being home in parents house and having built-in babysitters, so Mummy can make appointments for getting her hair done next week. Seriously; Can. Not. Wait. My hair at this stage badly needs some TLC, and the thought of sinking into a hairdressers' chair with a paper cup of steaming hot latte in front of me fills me with pure joy. Our trip to Paris- and my Big Birthday Bash in now only 3 weeks away, and I want to make sure I look HOT; a Yummy Mummy indeed.
Having had some darker stripes colored into my hair over the winter, I am now looking forward to going very summery blonde again. And when coming across this image earlier today, I have to admit the thought of doing something dramatically different and adding bangs to my hair is rather tempting! Watch this space!

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