Saturday, April 24, 2010

Today's Yummy Mummy Style Crush

I know I have been crushing on Jessica Alba before, but can you blame me? She is just a total pro at this yummy mummy business! Even here, while out grocery shopping with super-cute little Honor, she manages to look incredibly stylish, yet casual; and as all of you mummies out there know; this is an accomplishment to say the least. I have since having Nahla developed a whole new admiration for women who manages to juggle babies and their every day wardrobes, because I am so very aware now of just how much of a challenge this can be. My new post-England plan is to try to get both mine and Nahla's next day outfits ready the night before, when Nahla is asleep and I am pottering around. This will save us time i the morning for sure, as well as upping the chances of what I am wearing actually looking stylish and out together. As well as this; I have myself scheduled for a major wardrobe overhaul, I need to separate, organize and tidy up my entire closet-content; and am sure this will also bring me one step closer to wardrobe-perfection!

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