Friday, April 23, 2010


I know my little munchkin is only three months old. Well, a few days short of four months, but that does not stop me from reading little books to her every day. I alternate between books in Norwegian and English, so aware that she has to learn both, right from the start. And she LOVES it when we read- making me laugh out loud at her eager arm-flapping and chubby little fingers trying to grasp the pages as we flip. I was always read to as a child, every night without fail, and it is most definitively a tradition I would like to pass on to my own daughter. It is such a nice way to calm down before bedtime, cuddling up on the bed or sofa together, and will also help make her both more interested in reading herself, as well as develop her language understanding and vocabulary as we go along. Currently we are alternating a few books; three of them from BBC's In The Night Garden series, so there is a lot of Igglepiggle and Ninky Nonks and Tombliboos and the lot these days!

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