Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Nahla's Room...

I know, I know, we have yet to find a house, buy it, start moving in and going through the task of shipping stuff from one country to the next, but those minor details does not stop me form literally decorating the place in my head! And the room I am the most excited to get started on- naturally- is little Nahla's room. When in Sprell- awsome childrens' shop in Olso- the other day, I couldn't help but pick up a few bits and things I just fell in love with for my little girl's room.
One thing that I have seen a lot of in interior magazines and online lately, especially for childrens' rooms and nurseries, are wall stickers. Such a brilliant idea! I mean; you don't have to paint a big mural on the wall that will be both difficult and expensive to remove when you or your child get fed up with it, you can just peel the thing off! Easy peasy and just the way we like it! And the designs, colors and shapes and sizes available are dizzying. I LOVE these different tree-designs, so cute and out-of-this-world magical, giving it a sort of enchanted feel.

(Photo Credits from here, here and here)

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