Monday, April 19, 2010

Hair Aspirations

Is it bad to be hooked on Gossip Girl at the age of 29?? Surely not, as in fairness I know without a shadow of a doubt that I am not alone. I mean, for me anyway, it is the fashion and the shameless style-watching that is so gripping. Seriously, how dowdy did we think headbands were before Blair Waldorf single-handedly made them uber-hot again. And plaid totally got a second fashion-wind after the show first aired. And then there is the fabulous Blake Lively; or Oh-My-God-I-Want-Her-Hair-And-Her-Wardrobe, as we also know her. Seriously, from her Boho-Luxe clothes, to her lushious locks, the woman doesn't seem to put a single well-heeled foot wrong in the style department! So for summer 2010, I am totally channeling Blake and her hippie-lux-chic looks; flowing hair and all!

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