Monday, March 8, 2010

Hooter Hiders!

Fab product, even fab-er name! This gem of a product, which I picked up from here, has now officially become my New Best Friend. As you all know I am breastfeeding my little cupcake, and sometimes this needs to take place outside the comfort of your home- when she needs to be fed, she needs to be fed, and that's just it. But I am also very aware that although in Norway the sight of a mother nursing her baby is the most common thing ever, this might not be the case other places. And as I am well aware; princess and I will do a fair bit of traveling this year, between here, Ireland, the UK, and that's not to mention other holiday destinations. As well; and I know this is quite a common "problem" as babies get older and more aware of their surroundings, Nahla is starting to get super-nosy, and may at any point tear herself away from my boob- something that is one thing when it happens at home and nobody is around to see anything, but quite another when it happens in the middle of Starbucks and the entire place gets a full view!

So when I discovered these fab nursing covers from Bebe au Lait; I was sold. Click, click and it was mine. And I have not looked back. Not only did I use it every day while in Ireland, but I have found myself always keeping it in the changing bag here in Oslo too, using it almost every time I have to feed Nahla outside the house. It covers us both, making feeding-on-the-go both warmer and more intimate for my girl and more comfortable for me as I don't have to worry about other people getting an eyeful of my boob. And for a fashion-loving mummy like me; the design of these nifty little things are quite the deal-breaker too. A total must for all yummy mums with hungry little hippos like mine!

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