Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Countdown to BBB (Big Birthday Bash): 82 days!

As previously mentioned, my 30th birthday is coming up alarmingly soon. June 1st 2010 I will start on the next decade of my life- and in many ways I am totally looking forward to it- but as probably all women know, there is something profound about moving from your 20s to your 30s. It's like now you all of a sudden have to answer all these questions to yourself. "Am I where I want to be in my life?", "Did I choose the right career?", "What about family?" "Am I happy with my body?". I feel incredibly lucky in ways; I have my beautiful baby girl, that although totally not planned, completed my life in a way I never thought possible. BF and I have a great relationship, the best I have ever had. We love and respect each other, we are both very independent and can handle time apart, and enjoy immensely being reunited again. We plan our future together, know we want to add to our family at some point, and that we more than likely will live both in Norway, Ireland and the UK over the next few years; which suits us both perfectly. I have an AMAZING family; more close-knit and functional that most people- I am truly blessed there. I have the best friends, both here in Norway; people I have loved and known most of my life, and also in Ireland, where I have lived for years. I have an education and career I love. Being a journalist suits my creative and easily bored brain; I get to do and write about and meet so many different people and topics and places. I still have things I want to accomplish in the career department, for sure, but for the time being- and considering I am on maternal leave as of now, combining freelance-writing, blogging and yummy-mummy-hood is a match made fits-me-like-a-glove in heaven.

So what is left to sort out before the big 3.0? Well, as all women who have recently had a baby knows; it does things to your body that only blood, sweat and tears are going to change. And in fairness; I was pretty lucky. I put on around 15 kg when I was pregnant with my princess and a lot of that disappeared once she was out and especially when I got going with the breastfeeding. Seriously; best diet ever! But- and there is a big but(t)- my body still does not look like the one I had pre-baby. So here is where my countdown to BBB comes in. I want to look the best I have ever looked on that trip to Paris. I want to rock some AMAZING outfit, have perfect hair, skin, make-up; in short the full nine yards. I want to be the yummiest mummy to ever turn 30! So now what remains is the drawing up of a plan that will get me there in time. Gym-membership, yoga-classes, pushing that Bugaboo like there is no tomorrow when out for walks, dry-brush, exfoliate and moisturize EVERY day- and last but not least- say it with me: PELVIC FLOOR EXERCISES! Days to BBB: 82!

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