Monday, November 21, 2011

Is It Just Me...

... or is this holiday season going to be absolutely magical?! I LOVE LOVE LOVE this time of year, and I cannot wait to catch up with friends over mulled wine. Write all our Christmas cards. Bake gingerbread cookies with my little love. Decorate our Christmas tree. Spend time with loved ones. Play with Nahla in the snow. Eat way to much Christmas food. Sit around in my PJ's as I watch Nahla open her gifts Christmas morning. So much to look forward to, i feel like such a lucky lucky girl!

(All images from here)


  1. I agree!
    I've always loved the holidays but since having kids they are even more exciting :)

  2. Hi Melinda ! Tell me about it! I seriously have to control myself when it comes to decorations and toys and stuff for Nahla, but it is SO easy to get totally roped in! Love the season! xxx
