Friday, November 25, 2011


... one day you will be 3, and you will ask so many questions. Everything we say will result in more "why's" and you will no doubt exhaust both mummy and daddy - and Google - in your quest for knowledge...

... then you will be 6 and a school-girl. And I will have to watch you walk to school, not knowing if you will make friends. Or if you will like it. Or love it even. Or what your teacher is like. Or nothing. And we will no doubt feel like sure it was only yesterday you were born, and yet here you are in school!

... then you will be 10 and think that everything we say or do is a tad embarrasing. You might have started to pick fights with me over clothes. I pray we will like the same things! I hope you will like some sports and be active. Gymnastics like me, or maybe ballet...

... when you are 15 I will probably worry about you all the time. Will you go out much? Will you drink? I wonder what your friends will be like... We might clash a lot. I hope you will see that everyhing we do or say is because we love you more than life...

... when you are 19 you might bring some guy home and tell us this is Dave. Or Scott. Or Skyler. Depending on what boy-names were in fashion when he was born. I worry he will be a rocker... Or worse, a smoker. I will have to say hi and smile and in my head I will be screaming: "Get out of my house Dave/Scott/Skyler, you are not good enough for my Nahla!"

... when you are 24 I hope we will still be best friends. I hope I will be the rock in your life that every mother should be. If I am half the mum my mum is, you will be blessed. I hope you have an education. I hope you love what you do. I hope you are as happy and healthy and amazing as you are this very minute. I hope I still every day remind myself how lucky I am to have you...

But for now you are almost 2. And you are amazing. My world. The love of our lives. And much as I am so looking forward to all the times we are going to share, I also hope time goes by very slowly.

Life does not consist of minutes or seconds, but of the moments you remeber! And I am LOVING every moment!