Thursday, November 10, 2011

Here's Hattie!

What a cute family! Reality stars Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott introduce their brand new baby girl, Hattie Margaret, in the latest issue of Us Weekly. The gorgeous little tot, who was born nearly a month ago now, on October 10th, turned out to be full of surprises according to her doting and loving mama:

"My water broke in the middle of the night!" Spelling, 38, tells the new issue of Us Weekly (out Friday).

"Six days before my scheduled C-section!"

According to the magazine, McDermott, 45, rushed his wife to L.A.'s Cedars-Sinai Medical Center as the contractions set in.
"I held his hand, and I thought I was going to crush it -- I felt every bump and turn!" Spelling recalls.
"I was, like, 'Oh, God, go slower!'"

God, I feel her pain! That sounds SO much like the way my labour went down! Only we were also snowed in and there was a blizzard!

It also turned out that little Hattie's early arrival wasn't the only curveball, according to her mama, who says she was "110 percent sure we were having a boy!"

"When the doctor held her up, he said, 'You guys were all wrong.' It was the biggest shock," the Beverly Hills 90210 alum tells Us. "I never thought girls would run this household. We outnumber the boys!"

The doting couple are also parents to son Liam, 4, and daughter Stella, 3.

"This baby wasn't planned, but it obviously happened for a reason," Tori explained. "Knowing we were bringing a third life into the world just enhanced our relationship." SO SWEET!

"The moment I had her, I looked at Dean and fell in love with him all over again."

I just felt my uterus twist; seriously! I want one more! Now. Then another one and another one and another one!

(Photo Credit from here)

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