Monday, September 5, 2011


I have become OBSESSED with the notion of a zebra print rug! Obsessed! It had never really occured to me until a couple of weeks ago just how stylish they can look, and now, having spotted them over and over and over again (I feel this is what women who are trying to fall pregnant feel when they see other pregnant women popping up EVERWHERE!), my crush has turned into a fully fledged obsession. I need to track one down and get it on our floor. Now.

I have not discussed this with BF, by the way, and I feel like he might not feel as strongly about the entrance of animal print into our home, but that is an issue I will worry about later - cross that bridge when we get to it as they say. And when I say cross that bridge later, I mean when the rug has already been purchased, price tag ripped off and exchange note burned! Decorating is not about democracy, people, it is all about style!

(Images via Rue and Lonny)

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