Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Paris Street Fashion

Forgive me if I am harping on about Paris and all things chic, but I cannot help it. The style and chic-ness of this amazing city just blows my mind every time. I mean; teenage girls should really be sent to Pris for a year to learn all about fashion and dressing - before the Ugg/Juicy/belly top/neon color mafia get them. Paris will sort them out, no doubt.

Because there are no chavs in paris. No OTT horrible Wag-styles. No tacky logos and messy unkept clothes. Paris oozes chic. It lives and breathes and thrives on fashion. Young and old, men and women. And children too, all so utterly chic, undertsated and fashionable.

The chic flats and killer heels. The classy handbags, no doubt very expensive, but not a gross oversized logo in sight. The masses of black. The stripes. The chic hair-do's, all bounce and gloss and fabulousness. The manicured short nails. The understadet and natural make-up. The clothes. Oh, the clothes. I could go on forever, but instead just make sure you visit. Spend a week, or two and twelve. Walk around. Take it all in. Drink rose wine on sidewalk cafees and people watch. Go shopping. Be inspired. Dream. Eat croissants and cafe au lait for breakfast. Look around. Smell the city, the people and the fashion. You will never forget it and always always long to go back!

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