Tuesday, September 6, 2011


... often feels like it will swamp you when you are a busy working mama. Like I find myself wondering if I ever again will find the bottmo of my wash basket. If those crumbs will EVER get wiped off the table. If the bathroom floor will be permanently filthy. If hello Kitty Lego will live under my sofa until Nahla reaches her teenage years.

And sometimes I do feel like there aren't enough hours in my day to get it all done while also maintaining my career and being a mum. Then I saw this very samrt saying on Pinterest and decided to lower my shoulders. To do bits when I can - fitted aruond my baby and being with her. Because it is true. Time flies by so so quickly, and I notice it more clearly now with Nahla in my life than ever. One minute she is crawling around the floor, the next she is running around and jumping in puddles. Some things are more precious than having a perfect house - and this is one of them - for sure!

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