Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Difference Between My Home And My Desk..

.. is that at home I am super-organized and OCD tidy. I pick up stuff before it hits the floor/table/any other surface, I vacuum daily, I take pride in reaching the bottom of the laundry basket with regular intervalls and that type of thing.

In work, however, I am completely the opposite. My desk is bearly visible under the mountain of magazines and tear-sheets and moodboards that seems to pile up. My tea cup looks gross with a tea bag sitting in it that I cannot even remember when I actually drank. Take away cups from the local coffee shop are crammed in a corner. Pens are scattered across open books on cool hotel designs. A variery of face spritzer and beauty samples and tissues and old train tickets are also present. In short; utter utter mess. And the weirdest thing is that I NEED it to be this way, I need the mess to function in work - a tidy desk would leave me totally uninspired and unable to write anything.

Oh, is there any wonder men find us women so utterly crazy and strange?! I mean; a man who is messy at home would more than likely also be messy in work. A man who is very uptight and tidy in his house, would more than likely also display the same nature in work, with colour coded pen collections and the like. But not women. Nope. We can totally be two very different women at home and in work - and be better women for it!

(Photo Credit from here)

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