Monday, September 26, 2011

Daddy's Little Girl

Ever since Nahla was born, I have often been moved to tears whenever I witnessed tender moments between her and BF. The bond between father and daughter so visible, so tender and so amazing; it always sends a shiver down my spine when I catch them sharing a cuddle. Or walking hand in hand. Or just playing on the floor, pink plastic toys scatterd between them.

And last night, as Nahla was chatting with her beloved Daddy on Skype (what did people do before Skype?!), this weepy Mummy was set off again. As we were saying our good-bye's and night-night's, Nahla all of a sudden went: "Lovelu, Daddy!" And delighted with the reaction from both Mummy and Daddy, kept saying it over and over again: "Lovelu, lovelu, Nahla lovely Daddy!"

Many "I love you's" have been said from us to her, but this was the first (of many, I hope!) from her. It was the most precious thing ever! And I think both Mummy and Daddy went to bed last night feeling very very lucky! Lovelu, Nahla!

(Photo Credit from here)

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