Wednesday, September 7, 2011

5 A Day

Even though certain days it is a struggle, we try to make sure we include five yummy portions of fruit and vegetable every single day. At least. Five really is the minimum you should aim for, to manage even more is fantastic - you are your body's best friend!

I have as long as I can remember cared about food and health and the impact of one on the other. I have read a lot on the topic and written about it too. But since having Nahla it has brought everything even more in to focus for me. Suddenly I am not only in charge of the food I put into my own body, but also the food I chose to put into this perfect brand new little person. Me - and BF off course - are actually responsible for Nahla's body and her health and her eating habits until she is old enough to make these so very important decisions for herself.

And, as all parents I am sure, I make it a big priority to make sure we eat healthy, good and wholesome food. As much organic as possible. As fresh and new and seasonal as I can find. I don't really eat meat, and so as I don't cook it often , neither does really Nahla. I am not trying to make her vegetarian, she can make that choice herself when she is older. But I do make sure when she does it meat, is is as pure and lean and organic and local as possible. From free range, healthy, happy animals who were allowed to live normal lives and were not brutally farmed in horrible conditions. We never eat hot dogs. Yuck. Sausages; no way. Minced or ground "beef"? Never. Because I want her to have the best. It is that simple.

I want to fill her body with the best food possible. I want her to learn how to love good, healthy food, to understand the good she is doing to her body by being healthy. It is such an important job, this huge responsibility facing all parents, our children really are what we feed them, and sure we want them to be great. To be fresh and healthy and amazing.

And it isn't all that hard and time consuming and expensive as we are sometimes lead to believe. It is just - very simply - about making the choice that you and your baby's health and happiness comes before everything else. Fresh, healthy and yummy versus unhealthy, chemical and unnatural? Pretty easy choice to make!

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