Sunday, August 14, 2011

This Weekend...

... just flew by! Literally! One minute I am picking Nahla up from kindergarden on Friday afternoon, both of us equally happy at the prospect of days together, and the next minute it is Sunday night and I find myself running around ironing, packing stuff into my handbag and generally just getting ready for another week! How did this happen?!

In fairness though; it was a LOVELY weekend, much as it went by far too quickly. Friday night was spent with whole extended family, with big garden barbeque, sweet treat galore and movie night. Saturday consisted of a bit od autumn wardrobe shopping topped off by coffee with friends, and last night, Therese, who is my 7-year old cousin, spent the night and us three girls indulged in some cupcake-baking. Well, me and Therese, mostly, as Nahla fell asleep mid-baking. But she sure made up for that this morning when she got to taste the little creations!

And today, having first brought the two little lovelies out for breakfast at Ă…pent Bakeri - yum - we went for a walk around town, before returning home in the rain to an afternoon of indoor play, Mickey Mouse Playhouse and some home-spa time for Mummy. Utter bliss!

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