Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Reasons To Love Autumn...

I LOVE this season we are just about to enter in to. I love how fresh the air smells. How we get to snuggle up inside and watch the rain fall heavy outside the window. I love autumn clothes - love, love, love them. I indulge in hot chocolates. Marvel at the colors in nature around us. I can't wait to jump through puddles and leaves with Nahla, who this time last year was not yet walking. I love the crisp mornings. And the cool nights, when cuddling up under your duvet on the sofa seems like a perfectly OK thing to do. I love buying books and knowing I will have lots of evenings in to read them. I mean; what is not to love about autumn?!

Lots and lots of books. I plan to curl up a lot this season and dive into stories and tales and be moved and inspired and amused.

I can't wait to introduce my munckin to hot chocolate with yummy marshmallows. DIVINE stuff. And OK every now and again - as long as we brush our teeth after!

My Hunter wellies are most worn at autumn time. Snug, cool and smart, I HEART them.

Lazy Sunday mornings spent catching up with friends over spicy chai lattes. Does life get any better??

Halloween. I ADORE Halloween. I want to decorate and throw scary dinner parties and take my little love trick-or-treating - just the way the day is meant to be spent!

Autumn, here we come!

(Photo Credit from here)

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