Wednesday, June 29, 2011

From Lumpy To Chunky

Remember when I ranted about that whole running before you can walk bit that life with baby seem to consist of? Well, it is true! No sooner have you one skill/task/development under your belt, before the next one presents itself - quicker than you can say: "But my What To Expect Book says...!"

Seriously, busy stuff, this being a mum. Anyway, the development I am refering to this time around is Nahla's food habits. I don't know about you other mums, but I took this food stuff really seriously. And by seriously I mean I went out and bought a selection of book on the matter. Gina Ford, Annabel Karmel & Co., I got them all. And I chopped and steamed and mashed and squeezed my little heart out.

And then, in what seemed like a blink of an eye, it was time for lumps. Not that Nahla was an fan straight away, but we got there. Lumpy dinners, tiny bits of bread with stuff on, baby pasta, you get it. And then I felt like I was the queen of lumpy food production, could produce lumpy food right up there with the best of them.

Then; boom! Lumps are out, chunks are in. Needed, in fact. All the books kept telling so. "Time to move on." "Your toddler needs to try chunkier bits of food." "Important for developemt." Ok, ok; relax, I hear you! Chunks it is! And so we set out, first of all to discover what really is the difference between lumps and chunks - which in real world mightn't mean a whole hell-of-a-lot, but in baby-world is like super-different. Or so they say.

And now; a few weeks in; I think we can cross chunky meals off our weaning to-do list too! Score! Just look at this dinner of roasted organic veggies and organic chickenbreast teddies. Kinda cute, kinda gross, I know, but Nahla thinks they are the cat's pajamas! So, ta-da; this Mummy and mini have mastered yet another step on the baby-food-development-ladder!

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