Monday, June 27, 2011

For Working Mums Like Me

Much as I LOVE my work, being a journalist, seeing my stuff published, always meeting new people, looming deadlines and the glitz and glamour of press openings and events, nothing, but nothing beats time spent with Nahla. And so I think I am getting better at leaving work in work (easier said than done when you freelance, but I am finding a balance!) and devoting 100 % of my time and attention to my munchkin when it's Mummy and Nahla time. I am reminding myself every day, as my phone beeps, as Facebook sends me messages that somebody has poked me/written on my wall/tagged me and as e-mails ping pong into my inbox that it CAN wait. The tags and e-mails and SMSs will still be there later.

Sometimes I have to REALLY remind myself, as when I do work, I tend to be quite workaholic'y - but I am getting better. Nahla, who turned 1 1/5 yesterday(!) is getting so much bigger every day, learning and growing and playing and developing, and I don't want to miss a minute. Like all mums, I want to feel like I have seen and experienced and been there for her entire childhood, every development curve and every bump and bruise. I want her to feel like she has a mummy that always has time for her - although to also realize that mummies and daddies do have to work and do need time out too. It is a work-in-progress as with most areas of parenthood, I guess, and a balance we all strive towards. But one thing is for sure, this time is never coming back and I intend to live in the moment and enjoy my princess' childhood as much as she does!

(Image form Pinterest)

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