Saturday, May 14, 2011

Today's Yummy Mummy Style Crush

Glamming it up in Cannes, the gorgeous Angelina Jolie brought her entire brood along for the ride. The mother-of-six, who is in town to promote her new film, Kung Fu Panda 2,said Cannes would not be Cannes unless they all went. And by all she means Brad Pitt and kids Maddox, 9, Pax, 7, Zahara, 6, Shiloh, 4, and two-year-old twins Knox and Vivienne.

The busy mom was asked by a journalist how she attains inner peace, one of the themes of the movie. And Angelina explained:

"Especially for people that have children. You wake up and if they're healthy, you know that that's the most important thing, so you have first of all that peace," she said. "They also come with a lot of chaos, but we're all searching for it. It's part of the human journey. We all have moments of inner peace and we lose it and we look for it again. But really it's in knowing the people you love are safe and healthy. That's the best."

Too true. When you have children they so much becomes what matters in your life that stuff that used to get you all worked up before, now merely gets a shrug of your shoulders. That is not to say you should stop caring about other stuff, because that is not what I mean. I still care greatly about making sure my relationship stays romantic and good, that my career is on track and excites and challenges me, that I spend lots of quality time with my amazing family. I care about my friendships and also silly stuff like fashion and celebrities and other stuff. But above it all comes Nahla. Without knowing she is safe and healthy and happy, nothing else would matter.

Motherhood changes you forever, all of a sudden you are not the leading character in your own life story anymore, but someone far more important has stepped in and stolen the limelight. And you couldn't be happier.

"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to forever more have your heart go walking around outside your body."

(Photo Credit from here)

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