Monday, May 23, 2011

A Play Kitchen..

... seems like it will have to be my next interior investment, by the looks of it. Nahla has never been great for playing by herself (is this why people have siblings for their children, I wonder now?!) and so this trying-to-freelance-from-an-home-office mama will literally fork out for anything that will hold her attention for longer than 4 seconds! Garden play-stuff to rival public playgrounds? You bet. More Hello Kitty cars/trikes/shopping carts than you could dream of? Been there, bought the shop out. And so now, having discovered that my little munchkin LOVES any play that involves pretending to cook/bake/chop/fry - I have decided that a play kitchen is EXACTLY what we need. Now the main problem is just finding one that is:

1. Wooden - I can't handle the plastic ones. And:
2. Big enough for her to not get bored with (if such a kitchen exists!) And:
3. Nice enough so that this picky Mummy can live with it in her own kitchen!

Here's to someone having been clever enough to design such a thing!

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