Wednesday, May 4, 2011

My Busy Bee...

... never sits still for a moment anymore. She is high and low and under the table and on the table and - sometimes - launching herself from the table. She chats non-stop all day, new words by the minute. She grows and learns and becomes her own little person so very quickly I am left breathless. She laughs and plays and - yes, also at times - screams and throws rather scary tantrums. She makes a mess, moves things around, brakes stuff, finds things, points out things and makes me see things like I never have before. She keeps me entertained and amused and on my toes and exhausted. She fills me with energy and wears me out. She makes me laugh out loud and sometimes almost bang my head in the wall in frustration. She cuddles me and sometimes pushes me away, so busy exploring that Mummy just gets in the way. She holds my hand and holds my heart. She teaches me lessons and makes me wonder how about all the stuff I never knew before. She is my baby, but yet does not belong to me. She trips and falls and bangs her head on a regular basis. I apply kisses and whispers and magical words a lot. She is the biggest part of me, the most important, the most amazing, the most remarkable. I am in awe every single day that we made her, my very own little homemade heart!

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